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Our Cubbies, Sparky's, and T&T clubs meet each Wednesday evening from 6:30 - 8:30 PM


For Sparks and T&T clubs, a Wednesday night is divided into the following main segments:

  • Opening Ceremony

  • Game Time

  • Handbook Time

  • Large Group Time


Opening Ceremony

Each club meeting begins with pledges to the American and the Awana flags followed by a prayer and announcements. This formal ceremony sets a high standard of discipline for the rest of the club meeting. It also creates an attitude of cooperation and unity, and provides an opportunity to teach clubbers respect for their flag and country. It also serves as a continuing reminder of the Awana goal: to reach boys and girls with the Gospel of Christ and train them to serve Him.


Game Time

Game Time provides clubbers with an opportunity to engage in a physical activity that is safe and structured, providing team challenges for maximum fun!  Our goal is to teach clubbers to follow the rules, line up promptly and accurately, encourage team members, and always display good sportsmanship.


Clubbers line up around the game circle in an orderly fashion, from tallest to shortest, with their toes behind their color line, waiting quietly for directions about each game.  Each clubber will be assigned to a team color: Red, Blue, Green, or Yellow.  Each color line will have a leader assigned as a 'coach' during game time, while the game circle is led by the Games Director.


Handbook Time

Handbook Time provides a small group setting where clubbers can focus on the weekly bible lesson and get questions answered about God's word.  Clubbers begin handbook time in group prayer. This sets an appropriate tone and reminds clubbers that God’s Word is important.  Clubbers should come prepared with a 'section' in the handbook completed and ready for review and sign off.  During this rotation, the leaders review the work in the handbook as well as listen to a scripture memory verse from the clubber.  Leaders will help clubbers understand and learn the Scriptures they are memorizing.


The goal is for each clubber to complete one handbook per year. This will ensure that children will learn core Bible doctrines needed to develop a biblical worldview. Our ultimate goal as Awana leaders is to have kids memorize God’s Word so it will shape their minds and hearts and cause them to live their lives differently as a result.


What is a section?

A section denotes the work a clubber is expected to complete during the week, prior to club.  There might be a Scripture or two, a definition, and/or an activity included in one section.


What is a “help”?

For every section, there is a scripture memory verse the clubber will learn.  At club, the leader will review the section and listen to the scripture memory verse from the clubber.  During the scripture recitation, the leader is allowed to give two helps.  Giving word clues and meaningful gestures is considered a help. Giving a reference also constitutes one help. Leaders nodding their head is an encouragement and is not considered a help.


Clubbers must recite all parts of a verse in one sitting. They may not do half this week and half next week. We are flexible on this rule for clubbers who have difficulties getting through a verse and for those with very long verses.  We want to encourage the clubber to memorize God’s Word with understanding and not discourage them from continuing on through a difficult section. Consult with your Club Director if you have questions.


When a clubber completes a section, the leader signs off in the handbook, then the clubber goes to the Secretary for recording of their progress. Our Secretaries take care of all necessary record keeping.


Large Group Time

Large group time is our large group teaching time. The lesson for the night often focuses on a Bible message or an applicable object lesson. Guest speakers such as missionaries often share about what God has been doing as well. This can also be a time for promotion of club events, announcements, award presentation, singing, and testimonies.


Our Trek and Journey clubs meet each Monday evening from 7:00 - 9:00 PM


Segments of a Monday night are similar to those on Wednesday night, but at a more mature level and engagement between Jr. and Sr. High School.


For Trek and Journey clubs, a Monday night is divided into the following main segments:

  • Game Time

  • Handbook Time

  • Large Group Time


We are a gathering of believers who share in the goal of evangelism and discipleship. Awana is a world-wide nonprofit ministry focused on providing Bible-based evangelism and discipleship solutions for ages 2-18. Awana gives children the opportunity to know, love and serve Jesus, no matter their background.


3711 E Chattaroy Rd, PO Box 59

Chattaroy, WA 99003


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